"The cleanest expression is that which finds no sphere worthy of itself and makes one"- Walt Whitman
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Poor Broken Hearted
The man onstage reminds me of you
The rhythm of your breath and your heart
In the beat of the base
That night so long ago and deep in my memory
Forgive me, I never meant to hurt you
I woke up too late afterward
I thought you were like everyone else
But that just goes to show that we never knew each other
At all
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Buy this Book
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I wanna throw my Shoe!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hollywood dreams?
A fairy tale, Pt II
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Work in this economy?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Just an Idea
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Random thought before bed...
Monday, December 8, 2008
True Confessions pt 1
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
For all you San Diegans
Thursday, December 4, 2008
All about the community
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Doggie Doggie
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Fire walk with me
Monday, November 24, 2008
Contemplating life and career
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A fairy tale
There once was a young girl who lived at the top of a grate hill that faced a tremendous moor. Every day the wind would whistle and be carried up, up, up to the tree tops that surrounded her tiny little cottage. One day the wind brought to her a handsome stranger. She saw him making his way to the cottage and ran up to meet him. He had been traveling a long way he didn't know where he was going all he knew was that he would know when he got there. She was fascinated by this man and brought him into the cottage and fed him soup and bread that she had made earlier that day. He was very hungry and very grateful for the small meal and in turn told her stories of his wandering, people he had met, places he had seen, all excited the girl, she had never had a need to go any further than the bottom of the hill that held the cottage. The stranger stayed no more than an hour, leaving her with nothing but an embrace and a mind full of mysteries.
A week later the high winds set another stranger at the girls door, this time it was an old woman who claimed she was lost in the moor for hours trying to find the town. The girl let the woman into her house and gave her bread and wine. The old woman sat eating in silence for sometime when she looked up from her plate she told the girl that to pay her for her kindness she would tell her, her future. The young girl didn't believe in such things but decided to play along. After all the old woman was very poor by her dress and wanted so much to repay her. The woman took the young girl's hand and stared into the palm. "You must leave this place, A terrible storm is going to sweep up the moor and you will not be able to survive it". 'That's silly' thought the girl, 'This home has outlasted storms for generations, this is my home, I will not leave it'. The woman gazed into the girl's eyes, "Your true love waits for you at the end of your great journey, You will know who he is, you have seen his face before." With these words the old woman got up and left the cottage disappearing into the night, the wind whistling like a banshee behind her.
The young girl was so troubled by this prediction, she didn't know wether to take the old woman's predictions as true or not. Strange, there were never visitors to these parts and with these two she didn't know what to make of it. She decided to continue with her chores as she always had done and put the strange meetings in the back of her mind. However the face of the man that the wind had brought her remained in her minds eye, throughout each day that went on. She never had any desire to leave her home on any adventure. The cottage was the home where she was born and she always had figured she would live there the rest of her days. It was silly to think that, even if she did choose to leave her home, how would she ever find the strange man? She thought on and on about the stories that he had told her. More and more she wished that she was there with him exploring strange lands.
The days crept on, and as the old woman predicted a horrible wind blew in from the north. The girl looked out her window at the approaching storm. "I am not afraid of it" she said. "I have weathered things far more terrible than you". The wind blew on her door, rattled the windows, and shook the floorboards, "You must leave this place," the wind seemed to scream as it tore off the shingles. "You must flee, find your love", the old woman's voice rang in the girls mind. She flew to the window and screamed out into the night "Never! I will outlast you! Do your worst!". 'If I chose to leave it will be of my own accord and nothing else' and she wrapped herself in blankets and sat at the window. She saw the heavens opening up and the storm came crashing around her. The wind and hail pounded on her door as if they had powerful hands knocking urgently. Stray tree branches scraped the wall and the wind seemed to cry to her. The rain pouring on the window pane began to take the shape of the face of the old woman. "No," she screamed, "I will turn my back to you!" and she turned her chair. The lighting flashed and the rain poured. "If this is all you can do, I will sleep and not think on you another moment." With these words she got up and went and lay on her small bed the face of the old woman still beckoning to her at the window.
When the girl awoke the next morning the storm had ended. Looking out the window the morning seemed grey but the moor had grown green and lush over night. When she opened the door lying at the foot of the steps was the traveler that she had met weeks ago. With all of her might she pulled him inside and set him on the bench by the fire. It appeared he had been out in the rain the entire night. The rain had brought on a fever to the man and the girl began to nurse him back to health. When he regained the power to speak, he spoke of an old woman whom he met on the road the previous day who told him of new journey he must set himself on. She told him that through all his wandering he had never found the one thing that mattered most in life. She told him to set his sights on the north star and follow it for a day straight though. He had no where in-particular to be and was very interested in finding the one thing that mattered most in his life. He had always considered himself a happy man and was curious to know what was missing.
When the storm came upon him he couldn't turn back no matter how hard it raged. The black clouds eventually covered the stars but his curiosity and determination pushed him further and further, until he found himself in the middle of a moor staring at the old woman he had seen the day before. "My dear lady what are you doing out here in this monstrous weather?" She just looked up at him and smiled, "Madam are you alright?" The woman came forward and placed her hand to his forehead and that was the final thing her remembered until waking in the young girls cottage. The young girl hand her hand pressed to his forehead, he looked at her smiled, he knew he would find what he was looking for when he would arrive to it. The young girl smiled as she heard this story, for though she never believed in these sort of things she recognized the man's face. -J.M
Monday, November 17, 2008
Back again
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Don't knock the chick in the Coral...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Read a freakin' book...
Lately I've been on a reading kick, It started with my computer being in the shop, I've decided to read the entire Strand 80. I've already read 22 of them which was pretty impressive. I'm getting really into Ayn Rand she's not what I expected at all.
1. Maya Angelou
2. Anais Nin
3. Ayn Rand
4. Kurt Vonnegut
5. Paulo Coelho
Friday, November 7, 2008
Inspiration.. the Blog
Never more so have I felt so connected to this nation. The push and the struggle for someone to trust. The strength of will it took to have someone like me, someone I relate to, represent myself in this country. It is overwhelming. On this day I am an American. On this day I have faith in the power of change. On this day I have witnessed the birth of a new U.S.A. My country with a new look. Much like 9/11 only with a happier circumstance, I can feel, through watching all of those smiling faces and eyes with hope over the nation. A collective stand as one. A nation ravaged/raped, by war, corporations, machinery, and mismanagement, finally having hope, something to cling to, something to be proud of. There is someone to truly represent what America was always supposed to be: acceptance and forward-thinking in the free world. What change will this day bring for my future children? This was too amazing to imagine.
What do I do to make this world a better place?
Is it an action, a thought, a breath
I've moved here on my own accord
First woman of many who've come before me.
To live the hard struggle of doing it alone.
I still struggle to show the meaning of why it was so necessary,
Why it is so important to do it on my own feet alone.
I personally think that Fiona Apple is one of the greatest lyricists of my generation and I wonder if the reason she is not so widely acclaimed as such is because she is a woman and/or hasn't massively self-destructed ala Amy Winehouse to some how physically prove her frailty...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Iphone...the saga continues
I went to Boston on Sunday with my friend and got back yesterday. It was absolutely gorgeous. The color was still changing in some of the trees and the weather was completely on our side for the most part. I'm going to post the pictures on Flicker eventually. Boston is now on my official list of places I would go to school. When you live in a big city going out to see nature is so relaxing. I loved the yellows and red in the maple trees the most. I can't wait to go back there.
It's total east coast weather meltdown it's getting cold and I've been sick forever cause I am not used to it. Today at work someone brought this to my attention: Next week we will know who our next President will be (OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA) I'm kinda excited to be in NY for this cause it is going to be intense. It feels like doom or celebrating a new life. Crazy Crazy either way.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Winter rolls in, here come the sickness...
There hasn't been much to go out for acting wise the audition that I went to two days ago went well, the director was a very nice man but once I got the script I could tell I wasn't meant for the role. He wanted me to be a very giddy character and what I was reading wasn't much of a scene where it would make sense to be so "jubilant" so there went that. Oh well, I've actually been homesick lately; I'm going back to San Diego for a month and a half in November just to take a break from all this. It's been so long since I've seen my family if you consider the fact that this is the longest I have ever been from San Diego. While I am there I think I'm gonna look at L.A. see what's going on there. I don't know if there will be much. I don't know if one coast dies down the other picks up, we'll see. I promise I will try to make these more interesting and frequent.
Wow, it has been such a slump of sickness and winter muck, I can't wait for something exciting to start stirring the city again. Outside my window there is this elm tree and I have watched the leaves go from green to red to yellow-brown, the wind picks up and gets violent with it and the leaves blow around, it looks like a snow globe outside my window.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My favorite Obsession
1. Pugs- since I don't have mine with me I've created sort of a Paper pug garden on my walls... Kinda like the old lady in fried green tomatoes
2. Old lady glasses- I have so many and I love them all, Mary-kate would fight me for them
3. Fantasy Movies- disney, Labyrinth, Legend...I love them all
4. The Simpsons
Oh my god I have to go the stink is getting worse, I really think he died down there...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Open Question
Friday, October 10, 2008
What's in a name?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Get Political
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Get up to date people!
My absolute favorite part of the debate was when Palin started on her soccer mom shit and Biden hit her back with [Paraphrase] "I resent that because I am a man I do not know what it is like to raise a family, I know what it is like to be a single Father." That shut her up, I was so proud of him for representing the Daddy's that get shit done in this world. I'm not panning the mom's of this world I'm just saying that Palin is out of touch with just about everything that feminism stands for and about being a female in these times, I'm not gonna vote for her John just because she has a Vagina and has used it! You tried to create a cheap knock off of Hiliary Clinton and every smart girl knows that knock off fall apart about a week after you buy them, don't fool yourself.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My first man...

I actually watched Labyrinth last night and twenty years later it is still friggin awesome, (yes I still have the hots for David Bowie). I'm getting in touch with my inner muppet lover and normally when a legend dies, (ie. Paul Newman, RIP) I think he really gave us all he could and he was done with this world, but Jim Henson is one artist that I truly feel was taken away from us too early, I would have loved to see more of his work. I love the Darker muppet stuff.
Natalie Dee's comic today is super cute! I thought I'd share:
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Random thought before bed...
If you get a feeling about someone initially you show take time to see them before you decide on your vision. Many, manyyyyyy times in this business you hear stories that the characters that you have strong opinions of can change during the auditioning process. Sometimes what you think works eventually doesn't and you find that a character is totally altered by who you decide to cast. Further more I personally do not like it when directors call me or email when they do not wish to cast me. I have a lot of submissions floating around out there, I am a very busy girl so I don't give a fuck if you are going "another way" believe me if I don't hear from you in say a month I'll know and I'll move on. I know already that you will keep me in mind for other projects if you like me, (it's happened before) all writing me back to tell me in so many words that I am not your cup of tea makes you seem like an immature unprofessional dick-head that likes to take the time out of his "busy" schedule to tell me that I stink. Which in turn makes me damn sure I never want to work with you. Know wonder this "vision" director has had this casting notice out for a week solid, there's probably no one out there that fits it, good luck in the real world to you too man.
Monday, September 29, 2008
I'm Back ya'll
I closed Richard III on Saturday too. It was a great show and we had an amazing final night. The roles I had were great. I love that I got to do a shakespearian comedy and history/drama back to back and test my chops for both of them. I love working at the ATA but I am super-excited to get back into auditioning. I want to do more film projects since I spent a good two months on stage I want to get back into the swing of film again.
I had an amazing first official non-committed day at home. I went down to the post office and CVS. On my way back I bought some yellow pom-poms -their flowers, and found this really cute hidden away cafe called Freeze Peach on the corner that I never noticed before. Way more amazing then the Starbucks down the street, amazingly priced and portioned. It's like having coffee in your cool basement apartment. I can't wait to hang out there some more maybe get some work done when my apartment drives me nuts.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hey all...It f**king rains in this city!
No I don't have to accept that your a racist bastard...
Today I was on that topic with a group of people my age and another woman who was "listening" to our conversation and was talking about how she had been to Acapulco and how she enjoyed Mexican. She found them to be "Primitive" (I am not making this up, she used that word) and "yet with this wonderful sophistication layered over it,(I think she was mistaking them for a Burrito) topped with an ability to work hard (they always through that in there using it like a "no offense" line and well and still know how to have a good time (meaning we make Tequila right)." I don't know if I mentioned this but she was older and white. But, all I could do is stare at her like "Did you really have to open your mouth at all?" And she didn't seem the least concerned that something she had said could have offended me.
It never fails that whenever this happens people tell me "oh she didn't mean it like that" or "It was just a joke." To me, that shit is just not funny. I don't get the joke and I have a low tolerance for ignorant people with no desire to learn that it is wrong. I'm not saying everyone should be overly P.C but give me a break. I don't understand how some people will be so careful not to say anything that might seem offensive to African American people (Even though I do see the backhanded racist stuff the Republican party does to Obama), but will call me a Spic to my face or stretch his eyes out to my Asian friend.
This is wrong we all are on this green kick and loving the earth but we can't even respect our fellow man. Like when Vogue came out with their stupid "Green Issue" and all these chicks were carrying around tote bags that said "not a plastic bag" made by some over-priced designer. Maybe Vogue should put out a "Brown issue" or "Rainbow issue" and all these Backwood mentality/Waspy bastards will learn that it's cool to not talk out of your ass even though you "mean no disrespect." Yeah read my bag it says "It's not cool to call me a Beaner even if that's what your mom calls me!"
Love and Respect people give it and get it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
the Dating Blog
Maybe I will start dating again, God Damn, the thought of it scares me right now. I've got to take it slow this time. It feels like this will be the first time I am exploring this, Really dating and not jumping into things. Shit we'll see this blog is making me jittery just writing it... Later y'all
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Pizza Pizza
Don't ever start dieting kids it'll drive you crazy for the rest of your life.
My show apparently wraps this week. HOLY CRAP that was fast. This whole month just flew by. I found a couple of audition notices looking for actors in October so cross your fingers everybody. Fun times Kids fun times.
I'm looking around at the white walls of my room and I can't wait to paint the crap out of it.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Random thought...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Random thought of the day...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Method=excuse to be a dickhead!
The worst is is when actors come offstage and lose their nards after some missed cue or whatever bullshit distracts them onstage. If you get distracted by little shiny objects you probably weren't paying much attention anyway. Really people have fun, where else do you get to play pretend as an adult and people come and watch? Do you know how many people auditioned for the part you got? or hinted or dreamed? Be happy and grateful, you could have been one of the many underdogs. Seriously don't act like a jerk off. And for Christsake memorize your lines! There was only one Marlon Brando in this world and industry and there is a reason for that.
Ok., as for the ass smell day 4 there is a fake rose smell whafting up the stairs like someone shot a perfume bomb. So now it doesn't smell of ass but artificial asshole+rose, I should bottle that and mail some scented letters to all my ex's just to let them know I'm thinking of them this holiday season.
P.S. I fucking love Johnny Depp!! It's true it thought you'd like to know that I shamelessly think he is amazing and even in his shit movies he is still awesome to watch and everyone and thing else sucks.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Ass smell going on day 3!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Don't disturb the Monster under the sink!!
I fought him and won!!
Seriously, don't move this cardboard.
On a lighter note my friend Morgan and I made the journey across boroughs to Target. 5 month without it and I forgot how awesome it was. They had a sweet sale on blenders (which I have already Christened with Margarita) that made my day. I had to take a picture of the cart though, there was household products and underwear. We looked like the Desperate Housewives of Astoria.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Click HERE!
It's a Perez Hilton link cause I couldn't find one on you tube that the NBC people haven't taken down, stupid corporations. I'm no big on watching SNL but that was funny as shit!
Yeah, I find Sarah Palin a pretty pathetic choice to represent the American woman in this election. She's such an old school Grandma, complete with the wacky religious & ethical beliefs that change to fit what she is saying and she's a proud gun toting red-neck. Come on all who doesn't want grandma and grandpa kettle in the white house? People get real..
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Random Quote of the day: a lady by the Apple store tells her kid "Yeah I know meat is murder, Hot tasty murder"
Friday, September 12, 2008
We got rained out...
Our show got rained out tonight, Boo... Oh, well, I could actually use the break. So what have I been up too you ask. I've been baking cause, what can you really do when you're house bound and sick. I had a friend tell me that he use's pillsbury crescent rolls to make chocolate croissants so I tried. I wrapped chocolate squares in the store bought rolls (which were kinda hard to figure out, cause they wouldn't unroll like the friggin picture) then I made and egg wash of and egg a bit of sugar and vanilla, wisked it all together, brush it on the rolls generously and sprinkle with sugar, voila instant chocolate fix! They taste okay, next time I will use a sweeter chocolate but I like bittersweet which is what I used. Try it kids...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remembering...7 years ago
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
FUCK fashion yo!
The pair I was wearing were size 6 Lucky's so I went to century 21 and grabbed a bunch meaning at least 6 pairs from sizes 6 to 12 and not one pair fit right!! I was not about to go to a size 16 cause I damn well know that I am not that size. Granted the majority of them were those fucking skinny jeans which are all you can find right now. Fuck that! this is why I wear so many strange and vintage outfits when you see me on the street, it's not cause I am trendy it's cause nothing goddamn fits! And then now we decided to get all UK but instead of trying to take on the metric system we change the jeans size to 20-35 instead of 0-13, so then your doing the math in your head like an asshole trying to figure out what the hell size you wear. It's not worth it and frankly it leaves me so sad that my fat ass goes outside and eats a big ice cream cone like, "well shit what's the point of I'm never gonna fit into anything anyhow fatty fat fat fat!" (I'm not fat by the way, but if the jeans that I have on fit me perfectly I should only deviate one or two sizes not the end of the rainbow! As logical as that seems.)
Any girls out there know where I can get a pair of jeans that doesn't make me want to swallow laudanum after I leave the store?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Let's all settle this with a big glass of Hemp Milk!
I made the trek this morning in the rain to whole foods and while I was buying soymilk I noticed that they sell hemp milk. Now I will partake in the drinking of the soy plant, you got me there but Hemp just doesn't strike me as something I should drink even if it's Vanilla flavored. It made me think of that Lewis Black joke how it's Soy Juice cause there's no soy tittie, Where's the Hemp Tittie? HA, eww gross, I'm done....
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Another big idea brought to you by Bettie
I'm not rich like some of the other food critics you read are, how they are like, "Well on the upper-east side at a bargin of $90 a plate you can get the [insert fancy french shit here] blah blah tastes splendiforously supercalifragilisically marvelous, pate, fours, gras, caca blah Blah" No, I'd write with my 25 year old brain "I like Kee's Chocolates in Chelsea because they have all kinds of subtle flavors in their truffles and use excellent chocolate preparations. The truffle melts in your mouth slowly and since I had the Jasmine flavored one I could breath flowers through my nose while I ate it. Sounds strange but it was cool. I love it and I only needed one (they're 2.50 each) to be satified which is a record for me."
What do you think? I'd check the place out, I love food but fancy language and haute couture can bother me sometimes. Now for some Ratatouille Pictures...
Who wants some?!
We open in three days holy shit! I better memorize my last bit of lines, I keep putting it off like a high schooler putting off finals, like oh, this day is never going to come and then it all floods in at once. Oh Lordy, I'll be able to do it though... I've still got to search for what I am going to do for the next two months... Oh yeah I added my Twitter to my blog it's on the right side under my archive section, It's just random thoughts of the day...Peace, Obama '08
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Ratatouille and Rehearsal
Rehearsals are going well, Last night the murderer scene was the best that It has ever been. It got me thinking of the nature of the beast. How you can have this amazing performance that you are so proud of but in the end it is a fleeting moment that can't be relived ever again in the same way. It lives only now in the mind of those few who were there to see it.... I hope we get good audiences this show, even if the play is 3 hours long....
Friday, September 5, 2008
A night at the theatre...

Last night I went to see the invited dress of Equus (It's starts previews tonight) and I was blown away. It was amazing, I had never read or seen the play before. This production was so dark, erotic and slightly disturbing. It's kind of not brainer when I think about it but, I was actually surprised that it was about fetishism. I got to go because my friend and roommate is in the cast. I love watching him onstage. He can make the most vibrant characters effortless. Daniel Radcliffe and Richard Griffiths were great.
Yes, Daniel does get naked with the girl in the last scene. In my eyes Daniel is still just a boy, really didn't he just barely turn 18? He gave off that vibe that you have at that age when you are still just a child about those things. I'm not saying that he came off insecure at all but he still hasn't lost all the awkwardness that comes after your teen years. He's not exactly a man yet but he's not a boy. It made it compelling to watch him in the entire performance, not just the nude scene. The girl was bolder with her nudity but I think she was older playing younger.
The Dancers playing the horses were amazing. They had on these shoes that were horseshoes on 5 inch stilts but they had no heel support, you really have to see them to believe them. They were in brown long sleeve lightweight shirts and brown corduroys and they wore horse masks made out of steel rods whose eyes lit up. The Dancers were all six feet at least and in top condition. The effect was disturbing and erotic. I joked with my friend after the show that I never had a equestrian fetish until now. They were beautiful, you could tell that they studied the movements of the horses and it came across well. They looked like men who embodied the spirit of horses. Gorgeous all of them and haunting, god I wish I could see it again.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I eat whatever I want...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I invent inventive recipes when I am bored...

I had no idea Richard III was sooooo long, holy mother of hell, I'm having fun with it though. Someday I want to play Queen Margaret cause I love her curses monologue... Damn it's too hot to think again, it was 87 degrees and all I see in the store windows are peacoats... Whatever, I'm stuck in limbo between which cooking class I want to take, Chocolate or Mexican food; lets have a vote, I decided to try to cook tequila chicken today but I couldn't find a good recipe so I made one up and it got me pretty buzzed, I found it funny, want the recipe? it was put a chicken breast in a sandwich bag and add equal good sized glugs of lemon juice and tequila then I added tarragon, oregano, salt, pepper, cayan pepper and adobo. Mix it all up and put it in the fridge for about a day then grill it. It's like a shot with poultry. This is what happens when I am left to my own devices too damn long. I did make a killer mocha with Ibarra chocolate the other day though...
Monday, September 1, 2008
If you don't like magazines Bloomingdales isn't for you..
Friday, August 29, 2008
Yes HE Can!
As I passed by the Brooklyn Diner on 57th St. last night all 4 of their T.V's were tuned onto Obama's address, watching history in the making. I woke up this morning and watched the speech that the show had me miss last night. It's absolutely refreshing to hear an address by a man who doesn't sound like Ernest addresses the nation. I wonder if the feelings I got watching this were the same as someone watching Martin Luther King jr. speak or JFK or Lincoln. I've been asked rather rudely at times if I think Barack Obama will change all the problems in this country, if "He'll fix things." All I can say is that I am tired with the struggles in this country and I have hope which is about all we can carry these days. Yes, I believe him.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Note before I run out the door...
Last nights Journal entry (yes I really do think about things like this):
Sundays are lazy days in this city. For me it brings a wave of contentment and feels like a day long siesta where the city sits and sighs. Not much happens and all you feel like doing is sit and read and sip on a glass of wine. The traffic is sparse in the street. You can cross even the busiest roadways without waiting for the traffic light. The shops are closed and there's a stillness in Manhattan, maybe it's the calm before the storm. Maybe it's because I live in Astoria. I like the comfort of peace and not having the entire week bleed together.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I fell down went BOOM!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A letter to the man with the flag...
I just spent a butt-load of money on Birth Control. I don't care what your religious beliefs are, I am not a slut, I'm a responsible woman. My question to you is why can't Birth Control be over the counter? I know you think that once young girls get ahold of that little circle box they immediately run straight for a career in the bordellos. Or that you think that by teaching them that abstinence is the ticket to letting them understand their reproductive rights but please get out of the way back machine. Move with the times man. I look now at these pop-icons of the new millennia, teenage girls and boys painted and posed by older perverted adults just to sell ratings. These shows glamorizing teenage sex as way better and much more fun than any sex that you could have as a mature adult. Teaching our kids to "get it while it's young".
I feel for the girls of this generation, they must be more confused then ever, growing up with their own icons pregnant before their 16th birthday or posing naked or provocatively for their boyfriend on the internet. It seems like such a toxic environment for our children full of sexual confusion much more so than any of the other confusion that goes along with growing up. How do you expect that abstinence only classes will work in this environment. I know your not a book smart man but open your eyes. The least we could do is teach our children to protect themselves if the pop-icons are doing such a piss-poor job of being role models. I think that if I can by condoms in a CVS store for $10 I should be able to buy my pills for the same, come on the tampax people already are ripping us women off by hiking up their prices. These are modern necessary items for a woman of this century and culture. Besides, you must agree that Birth Control does us girls from having that A-word that you hate so much, or we can always scotch tape young mens penis' to their leg until they are 18, that's your way of thinking right George? Because I personally am sick of you trying to decide what is wrong or right for my body. We are not living in 18th century England, girls and boys aren't chaperoned anymore. All I want is some friggin slack I don't want to have to jump through hoops to reap the "benefits" that should be readily available to me. P.S. As I am writing this George I am not currently sexually active nor am I pregnant so let that blow your mind.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Table for One...
I always was the type of girl who thought that in order to visit restaurants you had to be accompanied by a man or friend or family. I always thought that it would be pathetic to show up alone, "Surely someone would go with you?" and I was afraid that the wait staff would treat me like I was a friendless lost puppy or something or that they would announce "Party of one or it would be like Disneyland when there is an odd number of people on a ride and they seat you with some stranger. The whole prospect of enjoying a restaurant seemed impossible. It's funny though, when I was traveling in Italy on my own I ate in restaurants by myself often; when I didn't want to eat where the group was eating or just wandering alone. I never had a problem with it, I guess I figured that it was a foreign country and I didn't speak the language fluently and by the looks of things it seemed to be the norm.
As I walk down the streets of my new city I love looking at restaurant menus in the window and telling myself, "I have to go here", "that sounds good" or "I wonder how that food tastes" or "what the hell kind of food do they eat in Ethiopia?" Always hesitating and being kind of sad and angry because who would come with me? I decided one day that I should just do it my damn self and not be so embarrassed by the whole thing (for some reason I think more women have this problem than men, I know men who eat alone at restaurants.) That on top of me being inspired to take some upscale cooking classes (I want to work with food as my next day job) forced me to just take matters into my own hands.
I chose my first restaurant: The Coffee Bar in union square. It's a diner style restaurant. I took my cell phone and my journal with me. To my surprise when I said "Table for One" the hostesses didn't even give me that second look that I was dreading and took me straight to a table. I was scribbling in my notebook the whole time they must have thought I was a critic. They had the best herb fries. I found the whole experience so empowering it was great I felt so relaxed there I spent an hour, which I never thought would have happened. I'm not saying I am resolved to eat every restaurant meal alone but it has it's perks.
Top Five Things that make dining alone awesome:
1. You don't have to make awkward conversation with anyone
2. You know who is paying for the check
3. No one expects "a happy ending" quid pro quo
4. You don't need to constantly worry if the other person is disgusted with the way you eat
5. You don't have to focus on the price side of the menu
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Merry Wives Update
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I should just bath in a meat locker
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Miss Lulu has a Request

I finally picked up Pride and Prejudice after years of saying that it wasn't my thing but since I decided to do this whole side study of love and romance I thought I'd give it a chance. I'm actually liking it so far, it's not as painful a read as I thought it would be.
I miss my pugs so much. There was a storm this morning and I missed having them to hug with me under the covers. Stupid New York no pet leases. There's just something about a dog being there when you get home that is comforting. I've never been into Cats. I don't get their personalities and I am terribly allergic to them. Plus I love ugly dog faces, There's something about seeing a dog with a face that looks like it was hit by a frying pan that makes me laugh and smile.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
How Come I Don't Climb Trees Anymore?
Things I liked as a Child:
Coloring books
Writing stories
Playing with Dolls
Jumping Rope
Climbing on things
Ice Cream Cones
Taping things I liked to my bedroom walls
The Wizard of Oz
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The Countdown & Reading the leaves

I'm currently reading Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, I'm not going to front like I'm all smart, I'll admit it is fairly difficult for me to understand at times. The poetry is unlike anything I have ever read before and it is not easy to understand some of the ways he flows his words but there are quite a number of points that he makes and descriptions that I absolutely love. I saw a biography on PBS about him which got me interested in reading the book. A very tragic figure, but an incredibly powerful writer.