Last night I went to see the invited dress of Equus (It's starts previews tonight) and I was blown away. It was amazing, I had never read or seen the play before. This production was so dark, erotic and slightly disturbing. It's kind of not brainer when I think about it but, I was actually surprised that it was about fetishism. I got to go because my friend and roommate is in the cast. I love watching him onstage. He can make the most vibrant characters effortless. Daniel Radcliffe and Richard Griffiths were great.
Yes, Daniel does get naked with the girl in the last scene. In my eyes Daniel is still just a boy, really didn't he just barely turn 18? He gave off that vibe that you have at that age when you are still just a child about those things. I'm not saying that he came off insecure at all but he still hasn't lost all the awkwardness that comes after your teen years. He's not exactly a man yet but he's not a boy. It made it compelling to watch him in the entire performance, not just the nude scene. The girl was bolder with her nudity but I think she was older playing younger.
The Dancers playing the horses were amazing. They had on these shoes that were horseshoes on 5 inch stilts but they had no heel support, you really have to see them to believe them. They were in brown long sleeve lightweight shirts and brown corduroys and they wore horse masks made out of steel rods whose eyes lit up. The Dancers were all six feet at least and in top condition. The effect was disturbing and erotic. I joked with my friend after the show that I never had a equestrian fetish until now. They were beautiful, you could tell that they studied the movements of the horses and it came across well. They looked like men who embodied the spirit of horses. Gorgeous all of them and haunting, god I wish I could see it again.
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