Thursday, December 4, 2008

All about the community

So, I've decided to apply for Grad schools at least for now, who knows what my life will be like from one minute to the next. I've been apply to gigs in LA but no one has bit yet. It's so easy in New York I've had to turn down parts while I am here, what is L.A.'s problem? I found out today, that an old friend dropped me and blocked me from myspace and I find it sad and comical as hell. I really don't know what I did to this person and I am surprised that I actually noticed cause I am rarely on there. But wow, I've spoken to this person awhile ago and everything seemed normal. I am going to end up erasing my profile eventually, this whole internet community thing is so strange and silly that instead of someone telling you to leave them alone they can just go. Even when it seems like they were all there. P.S If your reading this this is the last second I will ever think on you.

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