Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My favorite Obsession

I feel like there is something officially wrong with my neighbor, the ass smell is back, It's so bad I can't even breathe in the kitchen. I haven't written in quite a while. I haven't been up to much, I actually have an audition to go to tomorrow... I'll let you know how it goes.... Since I've been between jobs/gigs I've had alot of me time and time to work on the weird things I am obsessed with....
1. Pugs- since I don't have mine with me I've created sort of a Paper pug garden on my walls... Kinda like the old lady in fried green tomatoes
2. Old lady glasses- I have so many and I love them all, Mary-kate would fight me for them
3. Fantasy Movies- disney, Labyrinth, Legend...I love them all
4. The Simpsons
Oh my god I have to go the stink is getting worse, I really think he died down there...

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