I'm not rich like some of the other food critics you read are, how they are like, "Well on the upper-east side at a bargin of $90 a plate you can get the [insert fancy french shit here] blah blah tastes splendiforously supercalifragilisically marvelous, pate, fours, gras, caca blah Blah" No, I'd write with my 25 year old brain "I like Kee's Chocolates in Chelsea because they have all kinds of subtle flavors in their truffles and use excellent chocolate preparations. The truffle melts in your mouth slowly and since I had the Jasmine flavored one I could breath flowers through my nose while I ate it. Sounds strange but it was cool. I love it and I only needed one (they're 2.50 each) to be satified which is a record for me."
What do you think? I'd check the place out, I love food but fancy language and haute couture can bother me sometimes. Now for some Ratatouille Pictures...
Who wants some?!
We open in three days holy shit! I better memorize my last bit of lines, I keep putting it off like a high schooler putting off finals, like oh, this day is never going to come and then it all floods in at once. Oh Lordy, I'll be able to do it though... I've still got to search for what I am going to do for the next two months... Oh yeah I added my Twitter to my blog it's on the right side under my archive section, It's just random thoughts of the day...Peace, Obama '08
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