Wednesday, May 18, 2011

On ending

Please join me in a moment of silence as I mourn the end of a lost era...a time that I fought with and fought through, so far from what I wanted...How much will I miss the constant neediness? How much will I miss the foot stomping and the pantyhose of a 26 year old never being right? Others find me brave, while they don't know I am terrified of falling even while I close my eyes and jump off every cliff...No hang glider above me...No net to catch me as I fly along...I always remember things easier that they were when I look through the rearview mirror...See, it's the happiest moments I choose to reflect on when each end of an era draws near.

1 comment:

JackieOHno said...

You're brave because you jump off the cliff while being terrified. If that isn't bravery, I don't know what is...