Thursday, August 7, 2008

So I work for Stillness?

It's strange, you work and work and audition and audition to get cast in a show; now that I am in one I totally feel like I am slacking the work part. I understand that this is the pay off but it still doesn't get rid of the ants in the pants feeling, like I've got to work! Don't stop now! September auditions are creeping their way onto the casting boards some of them look o.k. We just got our flyers yesterday, I'll post here pretty soon. Let's see, I just saw Brokeback Mountain today, I know like a million years and a dead cast member later. It was really sad, I was surprised that I was so moved by it, even when I had already known the ending. Heath Ledger, what a Damn shame, very good actor, don't test with your lives young people, seriously we are not immortal no matter what the latest vampire book tells you.

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