So Today I apparently proclaimed it International Brownie day. I made enough Brownies to feed an entire block. Yields 24 my ass. So now I don't know what to do with them all it's so ridiculous in a yummy chocolate way. So come on down and have a brownie!

I've been thinking recently about love and falling in love. It's been quite awhile since I have had a full blown relationship. Not really for lack of trying but more for lack of focus. My entire goal was to get here and as odd as it sounds I feel like I've left something in the ways of love behind. I know not to be silly, none of the men I dated in S.D wanted a relationship and I wasn't in love with any of them. At least not in the way that I ultimately want to experience love. It's strange, I'm trying to work out in my head when I became so cynical about romance, not that I was a little girl who dreamed of her wedding day, but I still loved Disney romance stories. When did I choose to look at love and say that's a sweet thought and all but not it's not going to happen. When did I become so full of responsibility and self-made duties that I ignored my deeply romantic side? Maybe in NYC I can search for these answers, find my heart I guess you could say. Right now, I would say that that portion of my life is missing.
But at least you know where to find all the porn!
I think the best relationships happen when you're not looking for another person to fill some kind of perceived void, but when you're focused on doing what you can to build the life you want, following your dreams. When you do that, the right someone who shares those enthusiasms will inevitably come into your life. At least, that's how it worked for me!
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