Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm Melting as we Speak

Maybe I should consider no longer being a sinner cause New York City is so hot right now it has to be what hell feels like. Or at least I could be on some french beach right now, I've already got my glass of $5 french wine (with a ice cube in it cause it's that hot-Fancy) and Vanessa Paradis playing in the background, stinking of L'occitane lotion, I'm all set.

No joke it has been 90 degrees or higher EVERYDAY this week. I thank whatever spiritual being that granted me the opportunity to lose that shopping job. My god I hope that poor girl that came after me has some strong ass resilience to the heat or that she's a fucking camel or something. Hmmm... A camel could probably do that job pretty well come to think of it. I still am in awe when I see people on the street actually smoking, Jesus those are some die hards. 

I've been missing alot of friends from my past recently. I've been looking back and saying to myself, I wonder what happened to him or her and would they still remember who I was? I wonder if that's a normal process in a big change in your life, you get all nostalgic. Speaking of lost, I got a call from one of my Best Friends David (Whom I miss so much :) ) and he told me that the theatre that I worked at in San Diego was finally torn down. When I got the message I suddenly got so sad. 

I've always been sappily sentimental, and It was just so strange to know that when I do visit SD that building will no longer be there. Even when they build a new theatre, it won't be the same. It's so crazy, all the memories that theatre held, the fighting, trysts, hopes, ideas, drama, disappointments, laughter, pranks, happiness that that building harbored for me is no more. What is it about westerners, I guess that tear down their past so frequently. Maybe that's why I so determined never to forget my past experiences and just build on them, instead of acting like they never happened. Believe me that is harder than it seems. 

As for my career right now, I am trying like a manic to try to balance the offers, auditions, and parts. I'm so proud and blessed to be getting all this attention. I just feel like hell when I have to turn something down, but I guess that kinda is the goal to turn things down rather than not be offered anything right?

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