So after the 6th Iphone melt down I dragged all my Mac shit to the store and while I was there for three hours I have come to the realization that all of the apple geniuses are fucking HOT!!! I don't know what it is but every damn one of them are HOTTTT!! Seriously, the guy that was helping me couldn't figure out what was happening with my Mac and phone so he goes in the back and brings out this guy that is even hotter than he was. Now I want to work there, they've sold me.
I went to Boston on Sunday with my friend and got back yesterday. It was absolutely gorgeous. The color was still changing in some of the trees and the weather was completely on our side for the most part. I'm going to post the pictures on Flicker eventually. Boston is now on my official list of places I would go to school. When you live in a big city going out to see nature is so relaxing. I loved the yellows and red in the maple trees the most. I can't wait to go back there.
It's total east coast weather meltdown it's getting cold and I've been sick forever cause I am not used to it. Today at work someone brought this to my attention: Next week we will know who our next President will be (OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA) I'm kinda excited to be in NY for this cause it is going to be intense. It feels like doom or celebrating a new life. Crazy Crazy either way.
"The cleanest expression is that which finds no sphere worthy of itself and makes one"- Walt Whitman
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Winter rolls in, here come the sickness...
It feels like winter has officially hit New York. My body isn't reacting to the cold very well, I am already feeling the start of a cold coming on. I didn't start this blog to talk about the weather. I've been in this artistic slump lately. I don't know if it is from lack of work or focus or maybe a little of both.
There hasn't been much to go out for acting wise the audition that I went to two days ago went well, the director was a very nice man but once I got the script I could tell I wasn't meant for the role. He wanted me to be a very giddy character and what I was reading wasn't much of a scene where it would make sense to be so "jubilant" so there went that. Oh well, I've actually been homesick lately; I'm going back to San Diego for a month and a half in November just to take a break from all this. It's been so long since I've seen my family if you consider the fact that this is the longest I have ever been from San Diego. While I am there I think I'm gonna look at L.A. see what's going on there. I don't know if there will be much. I don't know if one coast dies down the other picks up, we'll see. I promise I will try to make these more interesting and frequent.
Wow, it has been such a slump of sickness and winter muck, I can't wait for something exciting to start stirring the city again. Outside my window there is this elm tree and I have watched the leaves go from green to red to yellow-brown, the wind picks up and gets violent with it and the leaves blow around, it looks like a snow globe outside my window.
There hasn't been much to go out for acting wise the audition that I went to two days ago went well, the director was a very nice man but once I got the script I could tell I wasn't meant for the role. He wanted me to be a very giddy character and what I was reading wasn't much of a scene where it would make sense to be so "jubilant" so there went that. Oh well, I've actually been homesick lately; I'm going back to San Diego for a month and a half in November just to take a break from all this. It's been so long since I've seen my family if you consider the fact that this is the longest I have ever been from San Diego. While I am there I think I'm gonna look at L.A. see what's going on there. I don't know if there will be much. I don't know if one coast dies down the other picks up, we'll see. I promise I will try to make these more interesting and frequent.
Wow, it has been such a slump of sickness and winter muck, I can't wait for something exciting to start stirring the city again. Outside my window there is this elm tree and I have watched the leaves go from green to red to yellow-brown, the wind picks up and gets violent with it and the leaves blow around, it looks like a snow globe outside my window.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My favorite Obsession
I feel like there is something officially wrong with my neighbor, the ass smell is back, It's so bad I can't even breathe in the kitchen. I haven't written in quite a while. I haven't been up to much, I actually have an audition to go to tomorrow... I'll let you know how it goes.... Since I've been between jobs/gigs I've had alot of me time and time to work on the weird things I am obsessed with....
1. Pugs- since I don't have mine with me I've created sort of a Paper pug garden on my walls... Kinda like the old lady in fried green tomatoes
2. Old lady glasses- I have so many and I love them all, Mary-kate would fight me for them
3. Fantasy Movies- disney, Labyrinth, Legend...I love them all
4. The Simpsons
Oh my god I have to go the stink is getting worse, I really think he died down there...
1. Pugs- since I don't have mine with me I've created sort of a Paper pug garden on my walls... Kinda like the old lady in fried green tomatoes
2. Old lady glasses- I have so many and I love them all, Mary-kate would fight me for them
3. Fantasy Movies- disney, Labyrinth, Legend...I love them all
4. The Simpsons
Oh my god I have to go the stink is getting worse, I really think he died down there...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Open Question
I herby pose a question to my readers... What is up with men shaving off parts of their eyebrows and even making designs like Morris-code? No I don't mean plucking I mean shaving...
Friday, October 10, 2008
What's in a name?
Apparently the Republican Party has sunk to an all time low and have gone back to name calling. So stupid, can't they think of anything else, For the record in case you haven't heard Obama's middle name is Hussien. It's his KENYAN Grandfathers FIRST name, Barack is his father's name and it's not even spelt the same way as Saddam's, Ever heard the lyrics "My daddy gave me a name then he walked away"? done and done. And for the record my first name is Jihan it means "world" in Arabic, those of you who read these know that I am not Arabic but, oh shit change one letter and my name becomes something else. Wow, but am I really that surprised this is the same party that was locking up people a few years ago because of their names, I don't know about you but I am tired of playing Peter and the Wolf with this party, the American people need to grow up for as many red alerts as we have had in these 8 years nothing has happened why are we even addressing something this stupid. I hate to make my blogs about "Is Bettie smarter than an ancient Republican?" but lord someone has to say it.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Get Political
I watched the debates last night. It wasn't anything unexpected, Obama groomed, confident, sensible and McCain, wandering (get out of the shot dude), condescending, and practically trying to sit at peoples laps to address the crowd. I confess never saw the first debate and I have only either read or listened to McCain's ideas briefly before I changed the channel. Actually sitting down and listening to him I realize that people aren't kidding when they say he's way out of touch. He seems to think that all Americans are divided 3 ways Big Corps, Workers, and Small Business owners, the latter being included I guess in workers so really two kinds of Americans, don't get it, me neither. I remember meeting some people in italy and their impression of Americans is that we were weird cause we seemed to live to work like we love the sweat of it, While they saw jobs as their day almost began when the work day was over and they could enjoy themselves. Watching McCain last night I can see why they could see my culture that way. My favorite quote was "We don't have time for on the job training" as he said that it had occurred to me that wow, he's friggin old and he's doing this with Palin. My God can you imagine Palin having to represent this country against Putin! And what is with McCain never saying Senator Obama he kept calling him "that one" or "Obama" show some respect.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
So my Iphone took a dump today, I pulled it out of my purse and the screen of doom read that It couldn't make or receive phone calls. I can't remember the last time I was without my cell phone. It struck me as like taking away Linus' blanket like you know that's when all the boogie men come out or you just know that Hollywoods gonna call at 8:00 on a tuesday night. I just bought this phone in like May, it's not the 3G but still I shouldn't be having this many issues with it, fucking Bill Gates...Sheesh.... Maybe the debates will cheer me up....
Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Get up to date people!
The Vice Presidential debate was last night. I get so frustrated by Sarah Palin describing the majority of the middle class people of America as "Joe Six-Pack". It brings up images of red-necks in trailers ala the Simpson's Cledus the Slack-jawed yokel. It's not america. I wish they, both friggin parties, would stop using the terms "soccer moms" and "Discussions around the family dinner table". In my opinion 9 time out of 10 that doesn't happen anymore in the "middle class"(someone please officially define this) household of America. I don't know why they pretend like America is just one Brady Bunch episode, that definitely isn't the case anymore. Get real politicians, America is and probably never was like that. I know many many families that are working way too damn hard to support their families to have time to go to their kids soccer games or eat around the dinner table cause Mom and Dad or both are working the night shift. Face facts and reality, we are in a depression, fighting a war that we lost before we began, and 5% of the extreme wealth in the world owns, runs us and frankly has us by the balls. If we want to make analogies to the times we live in lets use Medieval not fucking 1952.
My absolute favorite part of the debate was when Palin started on her soccer mom shit and Biden hit her back with [Paraphrase] "I resent that because I am a man I do not know what it is like to raise a family, I know what it is like to be a single Father." That shut her up, I was so proud of him for representing the Daddy's that get shit done in this world. I'm not panning the mom's of this world I'm just saying that Palin is out of touch with just about everything that feminism stands for and about being a female in these times, I'm not gonna vote for her John just because she has a Vagina and has used it! You tried to create a cheap knock off of Hiliary Clinton and every smart girl knows that knock off fall apart about a week after you buy them, don't fool yourself.
My absolute favorite part of the debate was when Palin started on her soccer mom shit and Biden hit her back with [Paraphrase] "I resent that because I am a man I do not know what it is like to raise a family, I know what it is like to be a single Father." That shut her up, I was so proud of him for representing the Daddy's that get shit done in this world. I'm not panning the mom's of this world I'm just saying that Palin is out of touch with just about everything that feminism stands for and about being a female in these times, I'm not gonna vote for her John just because she has a Vagina and has used it! You tried to create a cheap knock off of Hiliary Clinton and every smart girl knows that knock off fall apart about a week after you buy them, don't fool yourself.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My first man...
The first time I ever got that funny sexy feeling in my body I can remember, I was like maybe 8 years old and I saw Labyrinth on tape. The first time David Bowie appeared onscreen I was utterly fascinated, He had me at hello and then when the dance magic number came on I was hooked, If what I had heard about sex was right than this guy was it (this should have sent a clue to my parents that I was never gonna ever, ever, ever bring a normal guy home, nor was I gonna be normal myself). I wanted to live in the ballroom scene with him forever, The masquerade was my favorite and I never understood why the girl never wanted to stay with him forever. I guess that's why I haven't been married yet, lol. Jareth fucked me up for life, I'm still waiting around for my Goblin King.

I actually watched Labyrinth last night and twenty years later it is still friggin awesome, (yes I still have the hots for David Bowie). I'm getting in touch with my inner muppet lover and normally when a legend dies, (ie. Paul Newman, RIP) I think he really gave us all he could and he was done with this world, but Jim Henson is one artist that I truly feel was taken away from us too early, I would have loved to see more of his work. I love the Darker muppet stuff.
Natalie Dee's comic today is super cute! I thought I'd share:

I actually watched Labyrinth last night and twenty years later it is still friggin awesome, (yes I still have the hots for David Bowie). I'm getting in touch with my inner muppet lover and normally when a legend dies, (ie. Paul Newman, RIP) I think he really gave us all he could and he was done with this world, but Jim Henson is one artist that I truly feel was taken away from us too early, I would have loved to see more of his work. I love the Darker muppet stuff.
Natalie Dee's comic today is super cute! I thought I'd share:
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