Saturday, December 6, 2008

For all you San Diegans

I went to December nights at Balboa park tonight. It's alright if you like really crowded fairs (think a packed Del Mar Fair) but I had fun with the people I was with, saw some Irish dancing and some art. While I was there I ran into a friend who started a business with her daughter. Her daughter dresses up like a princess and goes to little girl parties and sings and stuff. It's a super cute idea so if you happen to know any little girls (or boys) who would like a princess to appear at their party heres where you can get the info:

On a side note which has nothing to do with anything, I am watching the new texas chainsaw massacre; wow could they attempt to make this movie any more shallow and complicated do I really need to see Jessica Biel running through a slaughterhouse literally? That is all...

1 comment:

Daniela said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your little wilbur. That sucks. I know exactly how you feel. good luck to you