So, I want love, who doesn't. But what is it about this city, or officially being a grown up that makes meeting people so hard. I've been reading alot of relationship books lately (dear christ someone hire me!) and I don't know what it is with me and attracting every attractive married man or fuckwit in the area. I am really curious to find out what the hell it is that make men so shit in their pants afraid of actually committing to one person and no no I am not talking about marriage even I mean I will actually date someone to find out what they are all about. I don't know how other women do it, when a man comes and paws all over you and tries to get you to fuck him after the second date, but what runs through my head is Jesus Christ this guy barely knows me, I could have some disease or like a jealous husband that stalks me or like Vagina Dentata or something and he would be none the wiser you know until his dick withers off the following morning. And then I wonder my god does this guy do this with every girl and how many girls have done this with him, getting more and more pissed off because it is true that some men must think they can get away with these things because women allow them to.
With this ever shrinking and meek view of women still prevalent in our culture of course women do things to be top bitch in the eyes of men (remember the whole Bi-sexual trend that hit the clubs once Angelina said that she experimented, now it seems so dated) it leaves girls like me who would rather come out the battle strong, with pride and dignity, fucking dateless. I love sex just as much as the next woman, even more but hey, I am not going to do something I don't want to do just because the last bitch behind me trucked that way. I doesn't make me a prude or a tease, I just don't follow trends, I'm smart enough to know that they don't last, ever look at pictures in the yearbook. Speaking of High School I thought this shit ended there you know "Mary didn't let me put my wiener in her so I dumped her I'm gonna go with Susie cause she's got boobs and puts out." Come on ladies admit it to yourselves the majority of us are just not wired that way and we don't have to behave like tramps and guys male sluttery is the most unattractive thing ever too. I always hear about guys saying that they don't want to imagine their girls had all kinds of dick in them, well shit I don't want my guy to have had their dick in all kinds of cheesy holes! That's right I said IT!
I don't know what to say! That's a good thing though. You've pretty much got it covered. Manwhores, that's what they are!
In spite of all your keen observations, you still grouped all men together into one big, negative group. Not all guys are afraid of commitment and trying to fuck on the first date or dumping girls for not putting out. The sad part is, the guys who want commitment and treat ladies with respect, etc. are completely ignored by women for dating. Most women, it seems, would rather date and fuck the assholes then bitch about it to the good guy. You know the good guy, the guy who is always there for girls to cry to, the one you "don't like that way", or the one regarded as a brother or in "the friend zone"...the one who you always bitched to about the manwhores and assholes...I wish women would realize those are the guys they should be dating, instead of bitching to them that there are no good guys. Umm...all most girls need to do to find a good guy is look at the guy next to them next time they are crying.
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